places in ministry

The next monthly Places in Ministry gathering will be held Sunday, February 11, in conjunction with the Souper Bowl come-and-go lunch hosted by the Congregational Life Team. Each group is asked to meet that day at noon. Pick up your lunch in the Family Life Center, and then head to your designated meeting space to talk and plan while sharing a meal.

Following is a brief description of each team. It is hoped this will give everyone an idea of plans and expectations for each team and a better idea of where they might find their own Place in Ministry.

Missions: Being servants to those in need in our Brandenburg community and beyond. Plans include a WaterStep volunteer day, assisting a member with a home project, in-state mission trips, and a tea party this spring.

Team Leaders: Sandy Horan, Charlotte Shepard

Outreach: Reaching out to those in the Brandenburg community who do not know Christ or have a connection with His body and sharing with them the invitation of Christ – His invitation to be part of His people. Currently planning an appreciation meal for caregivers at area assisted living facilities in conjunction with the February 10 Daddy Service Day with Children and Families Ministry. The other local facilities will be visited later in February and March. Other projects/events will be discussed.

Team Leaders: Joy Trotter, Deepak & Jamie Jacobi

Congregational Care: Caring for one another when we are facing loss, hurt, loneliness struggles, and so much more (bereavement meals, meals for those recovering at home, shut-in meals, cards, calls, visits) and also exploring other ways in which we can look over one another in love.

Team Leaders: Steve & Melissa Ward, Jean Walls

Congregational Life: Coming together and becoming a stronger body of Christ together. Hostping the Souper Bowl lunch February 11 and planning for Family Game Day on March 3. The team is is looking for new ideas for events (either churchwide or for specific age/interest groups), and members of the congregation will be asked to complete a survery to help them in their planning. 

Team Leaders: Lesley Wilson, Michelle Beach

Hospitality/Welcoming: Welcoming and connecting with visitors and new folks in our community – from creating a welcoming environment, to reaching out after the first visit and helping them find and connect with others in the congregation (follow up with visitors, schedule/train greeters and welcome center volunteers, help with visitor gift bags, help with newcomer gatherings).

Team Leaders: Joan Wilson and a person TBD

Teaching: Helping the people of BUMC grow deeper in their relationship with God and understand more of Him, His Heart and His Word. The team will offer teaching moments and opportunities in a way that will engage interest, share biblical and foundational truths, and encourage and spur every adult on their continued journey as a disciple connected with other disciples.

Team Leaders: Bill Adams, Mary Beth McQuary

Facilities: Ensuring we have facilities that meet the needs of our ministries and are kept in good order and functioning properly (ceiling tiles, touch up paint, help with small projects).

Team Leader: Ron Barger

Children and Families Ministry: To help our children and their families into deeper connections with Christ, His Church, and His work (Sunday school, Halftime, VBS, special outings, children’s moment, children’s church). The Daddy Service Day visit to local assisted living facilities will be February 10, and a field trip to the Creation Museum will be March 9.

Director: Ms. Rose

Youth and Families Ministry: To help our youth and their families into deeper connections with Christ, His Church, and His work (Sunday school, Halftime, missions trips, spring retreat, camp, special outings and events).

Director: Kelly Wilson

Please join us on the second Sunday of each month for Places in Ministry. Everyone is welcome, wanted and needed. We are in this together; everyone has a place and a purpose. So when you hear Pastor Lynn say, “Places, everyone,” we hope you will find your place alongside others in living as His people, His Church.